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song by, george clinton, we got the funk
Get the Funk Otta Ma Face
song by Brothers Johnson
I can't go for that
Thank You!
ie., He is a Problem. He Has One Hell Of A Nerve, for sure!
To My Dismay He is The Primary Reason I quit Performing Aerials.
I actually quit performing & going to any live music or associating with anyone in Tahoe regarding anything related to all the toxicity of he & his social group.
He just seems to be grotesque & awkwardly everywhere.
They pursued taking, Life, Liberty & Finance from me.
They hurt me & my family.
Was 1st time I learned what a deadly narcissist really is.
Was confirmed by 3 different Professionals , that's who I was dealing with
Not worth bringing health (sport) & fun to a group that basically is actively trying to kill my soul.
-But in the saddle; I changed it up with
Positive People and Earnest, Enjoyable Endeavors
*Notes - FUNK'S Prior Domestic Abuse Cases: - PUBLIC RECORDS:
Honolulu, HI – 2004- 2006 re ex wife Patricia Elmiger – Funk who divorced Jeff plus acquired a Restraining Order.
Amador County, CA - 2008-2012. re problems with his ex girlfriend Cheryl.
(if links are old below - here is County, Names, Dates and Old Docket Number to Inquire within).
To which the outcome was for him to serve Anger Management and have Probation Officer.
October 2015

Classic Funk - coming near my property (his alibi is that his friends (at he problem house and created trouble),.
Jeffrey Baird Funk brought in (9) Nine of his best party & bully buddies
Witness 1 - Ryan Simpson,, 2 - Graham Vilkin, 3 - Morgan Vilkin, 4 - Jeffrey Lauer, 5 - John Busby, 6 - Tyler Gaffney
7 - Carin Broughton, 8 - Nilufar Smith, & 9 - Mathew Smith
as so called witnesses' which where proven to be either false, unrelated, out of date or irrelevant.
I too had witnesses (6) of my own (should have called on more but I was not familiar to domestic violence before I met Funk (as he was a pro) (see above) and I did not want to create drama but
I do have many supporters and these are a handful who wrote witness statements on my behalf:
Witness 1) Peter Fairely:, 2) Lucinda Giovanni 3) Dan Rebello, 4) Michelle Mendez, 5) Richard Sanchez, & 6) Dominique Pardue
Which was also all later documented as a matter of public record.
I am more than happy to provide details.

Problem House Visitor & Bully Copy Cat
-September 2019-
She asks, "what are we doing?"
'"I don't know, it's just what I heard..." He said
Then see what this this scrappy dude does....
On a good note.
I am taking names.
However to make lemonade out of lemons;
the book is in the last edit phase and have an Editor from BC, who has also been here to see the real life setting.