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Concerns re: Revolving Door 

-Flu was @-


 Problem Rental House on


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R.I.P One of Our Own - before the media frenzy.


Tahoe Raised & Music Friend

We all know the reality of the virus here is very real.  


But to bring it to home., ie North Lake Tahoe, Kings Beach, CA.   

The two rental houses with neighbors on both ends of me had the flu in February.  

One pulled thru , the current tenant told me during his sickness, it was the worst he's been thru.  

However, the other one did not.  (ie., IHS high school mate class of '92, Frank Encinas) (one of our own).


205 Park Lane - long term rental house (also got caught recently renting to vacation people illegally 

(ie., profiting off environment, earnest establishments, not managing fire & misc codes plus not paying taxes). 

A.K. A. the problem & revolving door and topic of a three page complaint in months prior) has had a renter/tenant/person   Died at the house in KB,end of February 2020. 

Same house that furnishes bullies.  

He passed away right here at 205 Park Lane, Kings Beach of the flu in February (I went to his celebration of life Feb 28) (it was before big media frenzy). Local kids wondered if it was an over dose because that house is a notorious drug (cocaine) house (current occupant may possibly be related to the owner) nonetheless, the current tenants admitted they were getting ready for a CBC show in the house when this occurred. Interestingly, they talked about him at the celebration of life party saying the deceased wrote on his facebook page,  that he had a bad flu.    


Well, many of us wondered flu or not?  This is very scary for all the reasons!!! 

The curiosity of the time was, why did they not call 911?  Instead the host called another junkie to come over, loaded him in the car and drove him to the Truckee hospital.  The host claimed she did not know if he had insurance so the ambulance may be too expensive.  We all seriously questioned the motive and the time of death.  Was it at the house or in the car?  Why not an ambulance regardless of $, ie., what may she be trying to hide from authorities in the house? Nonetheless it is over and it was before the CDC info on what is happening and what to do.  They would be past their contagious stage as the 14 day quarantine has gone by but they are constantly intermixing in and out of our community (ie., Bay Area cars there all the time - regardless of STR or not).  There is an expression, in times of need; the clean get cleaner and the dirty get dirtier.   

Mainly though this house also represents many of the same age framed Tahoe party people mentalities re; does not follow rules and does not care about anything except parties.  An example:  they had hordes of cars there for two weeks right after the celebration. Weirdest part is my two neighbors who had the flu have never met but look alike; one made it and one did not and I am constantly reminded of it, when the new (loud) guy shows up. 




R.I.P  - Frank Encinas

 -Dead Bear-

Sadly, many of us may have  been there.  

205 had audacity to write a witness stement for an Abuser against me, whom to this day I have never been proeprly introdceed.   Highlighted is her display of intent is to only havr guests over.  At what ever cost.  Also see hera cknowledgement in the paper of garbage issues.    Bear hit on Hwy after investigating 205's garbage.  Neighbor on HWY said they heard it cry b4 authorities euthanized her  :(   (non STR issues blocked ) (will provide clean copy upon request)
Bear hit on Hwy after investigating 205's garbage.  Neighbor on HWY said they heard it cry b4 authorities euthanized her  :(

To the day of this writing (8 yrs), I have never been formally introduced.  She is clueless that she has the audacity to call me by my shortened name (as that is for family & friends).   


Regrettably I have needed to seek more than one restraining order on the people who associated themselves with this hostess.  This was her reply (above).

Can't change the spots on a leopard   Very encroaching but lesson learned.  

New to town and all she cares about is herself and her socializing,.  

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Revolving Door at the Rental w/ Illegal STR & Flu in Shore

all photos - for details see pictures and see below

-Who Actually Lives in this Rental Problem House Anyway? -


What does this lease holder do to contribute

positively to our community? 

*For minimal 8 years she does not hold a regular job!* 

In fact she is there daily & random cars are In & Out daily usually stay for approx 30 min - 1 hr too. 

Irritatingly obvious when her yappy little dog as every single one of her her 'company' arrives and leaves 

It hads become obvious to the surrounding neighbors, things are problematic.  

*this house  notorious for years as drug house*

Funk expressed once to me, he thought the history, of a deceased drug dealer, aka 'The God Father"  was cool & seemed very intrigued by it. 

Not a positive legacy but.... 

seems the owner has a knack for finding like kind renters.  

These immature neighbors in 205 Park Lane Kings Beach CA 96143 are simply too much for me and some of my other neighbors, we are at a breaking point with them. 

I wonder if this single dwelling residence has a lease agreement with one tenant? And does that one tenants state they can support the costs of the house, Hence, the house was rented to them?  This particular person does not hold a job (to the best of my knowledge) she is relying on others to cover the costs.  She needs many roommates to cover costs which also means many people there and these people are entitled to their guests, etc....

If it was not not COVID time; what does she do for a living ?  Or earnestly & positively do in or for our community?  Besides illegal AirBnB?   Because in the eight years she has rented, she has never gone to a work place?  I ask that because I am a person who is earnest and positively gives back to the community?   I deserve transparency. from my neighbors. 


More  dismay, -More revolving door issues:  the problem house 205 Park Lane, Kings Beach CA 96143, had a loud outside birthday party April 1, 2020. I have grown very distraught over this house, the noise and the constant dog barking at every person who comes & goes, excessive vehicles, also parking on weeded shoulders of the road, just under a county no parking sign even (just so simple it is backwards for them. They do not look at the sign nor to what is on the correct facing side for the direction of a regular car, nor does the county enforce something as real as that, that I have witnessed anyway.  Often the hot tail pipes on those cars just in from highway driving park over the dry weeds - after I have been inundated on fire prevention.  There has been a warning notice on a vehicle but in my opinion the hostess does not flinch, ie., it's not her car and she knows it was temporary, party is over for this weekend    The little  dog obnoxious  loud  chicken McNugget dog, had appeared to be, being minded  for a short time until  on April 16th, her tenants cars were gone, but she had a fresh new visitor, in a jeep and that dog's ear piercing bark was battling for attention over their conversation and loud music coming from inside the house from the open patio door. 

To the date of this writing 205 Park Lane exceeds the space in their trash bear box it overflows to the outside and days prior to pick up, even tho they have had a young bear die outside their house (hit on hwy after investigating their trash) been told by authorities not too (as seen in court documents dating back to 2014).  In my opinion if they did not have so many guests all the time, they may not have so much trash that they can not manage properly.  (see also pictures above)

pictures 011.JPG

The day of April 22, frustratingly  I noticed more unknown vehicles at 205 Park Lane..  I documented the vehicles for this report and was sitting at my outside desk enjoying some fresh air when the opposite of relaxing and fresh air happened!

A bad smoke smell came up the slope as does sound , it's a natural amphitheater around this side of the Basin.  With that smell it intensified to something worse like brakes,  An odd light  puff of a cloud went thru my yard and around my workspace. Not liking this; concern.   I decided to go investigate.  

So I walked to the front of my property (sad but true thinking it was 205 Park, ie., the problem house or a car on the hwy).

As I looked to my left, which is toward the HWY; I saw back smoke & flames coming out of  204 Park Lane's garage.

I immediately called 911 & went to see if my neighbors were ok!  I saw the 205 Park Lane, ie., problem house kids outside & they too were aware of the fire and called 911.  However they did not think to to move their cars or make room for emergency teams 8 fear of explosion!!! So I found myself calling out for them to move their cars - get them out of the way -this could jump and we need to make space for crews to get in, I insisted!!!  They scrambled around.   The vehicles were moved. And teh emergency crews needed all that space and more!


Thank goodness it was nice weather (as seen in other reports, this house has guests park illegally on this already bottle neck one way/in one way out residential street on numerous occasions and seasons.    

**Emergency Vehicles & Tax Payers need the Roadway that this Rental House takes up.** 
-*Season Round *-
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Cars from 205 Park Lane compromising (as usual) the already tight bottle neck one and only one entrance & exit to the residents on our street. (while fire was already underway seconds before FIre Crews needed the space)
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We got the owners & dogs out (i found her & dogs upstairs & they found him in garage) YAY;!!!


This is a clear learning lesson on the reality of that could have been bad,  response time was slow, cars in the way!,   

Our homes are on the corner of HWY 28 and Park Lane;,  the Crystal Bay Mountain Fire Lookout as our adjoining back yards. 

If the Fire Dept took this long to get to us; I can't imagine what concerns may be for more rural &/or more extreme weather or goodness sake any more tourists in the way?!!!  I learned why; the Fire Dept took so long to arrive!   The local Kings Beach Dept had another 911 call and were in Carnelian Bay.  So Incline Village was the first to arrive on the scene and then the others started to arrive.   

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The day of the Fire on Park Lane,205 one of the roommates was building a skateboard ramp.  Innocent project for a capable person. 

I have no issue with the young guy and think it is a good exercise outlet.  Being a property owner;  I am curious if it is a liability for the owner?

Also having all those care in the axes area to the street who patronize or visit the house?    

But what this ramp actually does create is unnecessary (not a required activity)  loud for the rest of us.  .

We are all at home (some are managing fine others are not, while others witnessed  their house just catch fire, ie., just may want or need relaxing external sounds as much as  possible while sitting on our balconies, quietly minding our own business.  

When wheels of grown man rolling up & down- back & forth, forth & back....on the wood.  In addition he slams skateboard down (as you see skateboarder do - they jump,and twist their board under their feet with the goal to land back on it appropriately) - that's not cool noise! 

It is startling and adds to very trying times while we are all already a state of alert.  

In addition the noise has set odd surrounding car alarms on two separate occasions on two separate owner vehicles wil supply text message upon request).  .  

 Also lightly testing just for myself but  I am curious because I a caregiver, and 205 has not a good set of tenants to have next to my small skincare -spa business (even though small spa is closed now).

205 Park Lane is Opposite of my Right To Quiet Enjoyment. 

For a visual to the reader, other neighbors mentioned they do not want that at the entrance & exit to our residential street. 

The narcotics use & sales  were conversationally confirmed, also the person with the flu who died there, were just some of  the topic of concern regarding 205 among core neighbors when we congregated during the fire.  

Already the little dogs are barking at the people coming and going to inspect the burnt house, I surely hope that does not continue with their construction crews too! 

The unnecessary extra chaos with the skateboard ramp and the additions being made to it, it has been moved to the inside of the short fence, it is a half pipe skate ramp  and takes up the whole area to give example of size: - (not yet pictured): a load of lumber and friends appeared on a cars roof an with that was (skill saws, hammers, smell of varnish, the skating, music & yahoos after, has not be a good neighborly experience.  

205 Park Lane -  leasee condoned building a skateboard ramp
205 Park Lane - 5 8 2020 -Skatebaord ramp moved closer to house
205 Park Lane - roomate dude- bulding his kateboard ramp
205 Park Lane - roomate dude- bulding his kateboard ramp
Leesee - Nulifar Massdjedi Smith-  (in cown costume)
205 Park Lane - 5 16 2020 -Cars shufflin

Basically stop clowning around!  We do not have the Infa structure to handle our our community let alone more people!  This house brings too many of 'em!  We do not need more random & bully roommates of rental houses doing more elective stupid stuff (like build skate ramps, see below).

No -More childs play in regards to living in our residential neighborhoods!

Nor do we need to have our emergency crews and elderly neighbors have parking or excessive visitor problems re: a rental houses whether it be short or long term.  

This house brings too many of 'em! (see flu & Revolving Door in Nshore).. 


Note*  The also owner does not have an adequate size Bear Trash Box for the trash consumed by occupants here.  

The owner of this house, 205 Park Lane, is th old owner of IV & KB 7-11. & has had problem tenants in succession.    

The Fire Dept needed that driveway space well in the next AM as they watched for hotspots.  It was apparently more obvious many  vehicles remained in the driveway without issue, only two.  

On 4/22/20 the day of the Fire on Park Lane,205 one of the roommates was building a skateboard ramp.  Innocent project for a capable person. 

I have no issue with the young guy and think it is a good exercise outlet.  Being a property owner;  I am curious if it is a liability for the owner?

Also having all those care in the axes area to the street who patronize or visit the house?    

But what this ramp actually does create is unnecessary (not a required activity)  loud for the rest of us.  .

We are all at home (some are managing fine others are not, while others witnessed  their house just catch fire, ie., just may want or need relaxing external sounds as much as  possible while sitting on our balconies, quietly minding our own business.  

Does the lessor need this?  She does not use it; it is being built by a live in and his friend who openly admitted he does not live there.  

When wheels of grown man rolling up & down- back & forth, forth & back....on the wood.  In addition he slams skateboard down (as you see skateboarder do - they jump, and twist their board under their feet with the goal to land back on it appropriately) - that's not cool noise! 

It is startling and adds to very trying times while we are all already a state of alert.  

In addition the noise has set odd surrounding car alarms on two separate occasions on two separate owner vehicles will supply text message upon request).  .  

It took months and a headache filled summer but the skateboard ramp was sold and the builder moved out of town.  

He admitted it was a bad idea and said there is nothing but problems in this house, he wanted to leave and find somewhere he could call his own.  I told him I was proud of him.  

Please remember this house has also been a problem with tight bottle neck street and their  parking during the winter too (see details below & pictures above). 

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And as of the day of this writing this house still is not managing their trash appropriately.  

Our neighborhood garbage pick up is Wednesdays, but as mentioned above 205 Park Lane has a problem with their trash being put out on days that are not trash days.  As I was now working at my outside desk (as mentioned above regarding the 4/22/1010  fire).  

On 5/5/2020 A mid sized Bear cruised thru my yard (two weeks after the fire mentioned below) and appeared to be heading toward the trash of 205 Park Lane (as there were blue bags outside the bear box for at least 24 hrs prior to pick up.  I was able to avoid it & see to it that it was detoured from traveling that direction (as we made noise in the direction we did not want it to go.  Basically this house is a problem; I feel like the things that go on in 205 needs a babysitter for the tenants in it;  the excessive non-sense and chaos  that goes on here is exhausting.  I am very discouraged with these neighbors  both the tenants and  home owner who is absentee & rents their home and allow people with these type of behaviors to continue and live here. 

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Medium Bear - 5 5 2020 (
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Who actually lives (pays taxes) here?:

The BMW (lessee), the Honda (above) the Jeep (weekend guest), the Acura (girl unloading),

the Black Car with Yellow Plates (the skateboard ramp builder & random temporary roommate)?!

How many people are allowed in that dwelling? 

How many cars are allowed at that dwelling?

Does this lease holder convey to the owner that she can be financially responsible for this house?

Does her lease allow so many "roommates"?

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205 Park Lane - 5 16 2020 -Cars shuffling around to make room - receiving more guests (as usual) see suitcases - man introduces himself as Darrin to the girl also arriving & unloading

205 Park Lane - 5 16 2020 -Cars shuffling around to make room - receiving more guests (as usual) see suitcases/backpacks.   I overheard the  - man introduces himself as Darrin to the girl also arriving & unloading - 

these vehicles and more (see below)  are still here to the time of this writing (5 18 2020)

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How many cars are allowed on the property?

Is there a limit to the quantity of guests? 

Are long term rentals (LTR) allowed so many visitors or have a maximum capacity for the size of the property? 

In general? 

Also at this COVID time?

Short term rentals are required to not host visitors.  STR are required to disclose their guest/booking information and abide by the local requirements: number of guests, cars, where cars are parked, noise, fire prevention, pay extra to the county for all the STR homeowner's property use, etc.. 

What are the rules and what is the consequence for long term rentals?  

Are they fair in regards to the STR requirements?

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bags of trash out - day(s) before trash day
205 Park Lane - 5 19 2020-Trash Out (24

This is my view & my STR's view. 

I am offended that this house still puts their overflowing trash out early (has been a serious issue:).  

It is also what all homeowners see as it is the only one way in & one way out to all residents on this street. 

This (rental) house sits on the corner entrance of

Park Lane & Hwy 28 (a Scenic Corridor).

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Evening of May 20th 2020 

I witnessed the medium sized bear (same bear as pictured above) walk around our cabins (again)   In minutes following I saw the problem neighbor & her friend return from a walk around the block; I also at that moment heard her scream and the dogs began barking uncontrollably.   I assumed it was the bear I had just witnessed minutes prior.  I also assumed it was going for something that smelled enticing to it, like their trash (as mentioned above) or dog food as they have more than one dog and have their doors & windows open on nice enough days.  

To my dismay, in talking to a neighbor homeowner, they informed me that 205 Park Lane keeps a freezer of food on the deck.  I also believe that is what I saw on their deck.  Either way I could not believe the sheer stupidity.  

I also talked with another immediate  neighbor (as we do) and they informed me that 205 Lessee had also filmed it and posted it on Facebook.  I am shocked at that too, she thinks that her encounter was cool?  (It was lured by human food - she lives on the corner of the hwy----???!)

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The next morning I called and reported this to the authorities, I spoke with Deputy Miller (kind, patient and informative)

They told me that there was nothing they could do.  There is no law regarding that, ie there is no crime.  He discussed I could possibly reach out to Wildlife Fish & Games.  But he did not have any specifics that they could do in this case.  He mentioned also CHP, I can not remember why, possibly because things are occurring near the hwy. .  

The call in did warrant an incident report with the Sheriffs Dept and that number is:   #P200505009.

I did call the Bear League; the women (was also kind, patient and informative), told me she would discuss this with her local volunteer Joel. She did agree that we can not have that type of behavior (exhibited from 205 Park Lane). 

I did not think to mention this concern to the sheriff but these seem as perfect 


Of How Our Wildlife could get COVID?

COVID does transfer to animals.  

This house did have an actual death late February 2020.

(rumor (names given upon legal request) was it was an overdose then that was also remarked that his fb posted he had a bad case of the flu).  

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205 Park Lane - 5 23 2020 - Many cars for weekend - neighbor & I witnessed two people walking roommate Liz'z dog- go to 205 Park Lane that  defiantly did not reside here - other neighbor witnessed the trash & empty beer box (1)

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205 Park Lane Kings Beach - 5 24 2020  - so flu hwy house , freezer on deck and bear found & going give COVID to wildlife & h2o 

June 2020 - More unknown cars In & Out.  

205 Park Lane is overflowing their parking! 

Now the white van came in parked in different neighbors shared parking then moved back t 205.  Next the  green Subaru photoed above (parking on weeds and mic places) is now encroaching and parking in the shared spot between myself and two other neighbors.  

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Through the rest of the season I gave up hope that the County was going to be able to do anything regarding this problem house.  Therefore no notes were taken during this time period.  

In all:

Even though these people were told not to have (paying) visitors, ie., the lessee was doing illegal STR rental; (and may still possibly be)

Even though this house experienced a personal death at their house (most of the rumors were it was a drug overdose) (and the others questioned why the lessee did not call an ambulance - but instead drove him to Truckee Hospital).  The lessee first hand stated to me at the celebration of life , "that it was the flu".

Even though our State & Counties are in a National Stay at Home - practice social distancing and more; this household does not!.  (please see above for pictures showing exact behavior as prior to the lessee being told not to have STR, ie., Revolving Door & Over Night Company.(with the appearance, luggage and conversation of a visiting traveler to the area) 

205 Park Lane lessee and roommates in fact operate their household- example: fire prevention,  noise, trash, visitors.  Compounded now with the COVID-19 do not practice social distancing, preventative measures and hygiene (see skater kid, skater guy's friends (long scrappy hair & scruffy beards (that would not fit under a face mask) & a handful more of lessee obnoxious/bully friends who frequent 205 Park Lane) seriously.  and more (as mentioned above).   Which is polar opposite of us homeowners and actual tax payers surrounding this house.  The two neighbors directly across from 205 are elderly and Mike wears a mask & gloves to prevent himself and his wife who is on oxygen from getting sick.   

My other neighbors have lost their job and are taking things very seriously, she even wears a mask when she was raking (fire prevention) and no-one else was near her.  205 Park Lane causes much tension!  

 I own and operate a clinical skincare studio (personal hygiene professional) (on my property). 


I (and my STR clients) have a Right To Quiet Enjoyment; 205 Park Lane violates that Right.  At the kindest,  205 Park Lane clashes with myself and direct neighbors: noise, trash, excessive vehicles and their parking in roadway (obstructing one way in/out entrance to our residential street) and more!!!  205 Park Lane has just been getting away with their shenanigans for so long; they told me hastily, they have no intention to stop doing what they are doing.   

The County has been made aware of these continued problems regarding this house whether we are in a COVID era or not.  .  

It is time the County does something (positive) for myself and the other homeowners regarding 205 Park Lane, ie., the problem house.  


The Bears


205-207 Park Lane Kings Beach Ca, appeared to be a little calmer for a few weeks.  I soon started to see a pattern with this house; it was calm, quiet and clean (no cars, trash & misc) when the leaser was gone; as soon as she came back there were parties (& problems that came with that).  

 Because I started noticing these things (again); I  decided documenting (again).

It was easier to start putting two & two together & then the picture became clear; there is a definite pattern with the leaser and it causes upset, disrupt and even carnage has been experienced in the neighborhood (as seen above; bear & human life) directly related to this rental house.    

February 9  2021 - I noticed  205-207 Park Lane KB CA,  trash out (Eve prior to pick up  - again)

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I finally came across a Code Ordinance Department information but unfortunately it was for the town of Truckee.  The contact gave me the Kings Beach CA contact information.  .

March 2021 - I noticed a large set of bear foot prints around my house:  two Tuesday's in a row.  It would come down from the forest (as my cabin is on the uphill side of the street) and cut down to the neighbors.  It soon became clear there was trash out (AGAIN)!  

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Bear prints 3/16/21 (night before neighborhood trash pick up)  - leading from the forest into the residential neighborhood very close to hwy 28.  Neighbor house 205-207 Park Lane has left their trash out.  

205-207 threw another party the other  Eve  (which caught my attention because of the dog barking at that house when guests arrived and car parked in my overflow space. 

It was when I saw the Trash out (again) (including a Bear in the vicinity - again- only on nights their trash is out)  that made me decide to notify the authorities for Kings Beach.  

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 205-207 Park Lane KB Ca - 3/16/21 leaves trash out - minimum of all night (pick up is 3/17/21)


Problem House (205-207 Park Lane, KB CA) 

Long Term Rental 

This house has been nothing but a revolving door.  Too much (in & out people), trash,  too loud, too many vehicles (for everyone to see as this house sits on the only one way in/out of our residential street and HWY 28), bullies, two deaths: bear & human (see above) (see also Truckee Hospital, Frank Encinas is the name of the deceased) .... 


205 Park Lane, Long Term Rental Lessee, does not appear to they do not take our community needs seriously. 

What kind of impact does a house like this have on the rest of our property value:: health risk (flu /skateboard ramps, etc..), trash, noise, illegal STR, non - to low income working household, non participating to philanthropy causes, etc...? 

 The rental clientele in 205 Park Lane Kings Beach CA 96143 are simply too This house has been too much for me and many of my 'nice' neighbors (as also see on past legal witness statements - I am happy to suply per request).  

I am concerned because 

I believe this house will get worse (with revolving door, trash, noise, cars, etc..).

Because she has written in a Court Document that all she wants to do is have her friends over,  the lessee is disrespectful and relentless.    

In addition she wrote a comment in a court statement (see above) about this quiet little street; however it (all) has been disrupted 100% since she has rented here.  

Leaser, Nilufar Massdjedi Smith

Placer County has Code Ordinances and consequences on Short Term Rentals.


What about Long Term Rental Code Ordinances and consquences?

Overview of COMPLAINTS re: 205-207 Park Lane, KB CA.

This house is a problem house!  This property aids & abets:  

Known drug dealers (notorious for years): 

Phil Schwartz to current (sheriffs have been notified, however I lost hope they are doing an adequate job looking into it). 

Abusers & Bullies: 

Jeff Funk (numerous domestic abuse cases - I see court documents - dangerous narcissist and this house is home to his medical term, flying monkies.

Michael McDermott (kicked out of two counites & owned PDA's, aggressive & I succeeded in a retraining order (see court documents).  

Jackson Humphrey (assaulted me in the street) Have it on video (sheriff was made aware but old me I waited a week too long to report it).


Person Died in Home -& - they still throw parties:

Frank Encinas (died in the home - celebration of life was Feb 2020 - just prior to Covid news) ; unclear why leaser drove him to Truckee   (many are suspicious).    

None the less the tenant was a party goer and complained of the flu.  Not a good mix.   

It now 2021, this house still acts the same- ie.,  a death of their friend does not even detour them.  

They still have tons of people over - and- upsetting the neighbors.

Exceed Capacity:  

This is a single home dwelling?   Which one is it really 205 - or 207?

Is it legal to have two numbers?  Independent living situations?   Income?   As seen on the property exterior 205 -207?

Leaser has been caught renting to vacation renter illegally (described house to amenities of a hotel - however they do not do fire prevention (see roof for example), or  (pay the appropriate insurance & taxes), , etc..  The owner & leaser has been warned). 


The misc. rotation of vehicles suggests so (super under the radar).  

Parking problems :

This house more than not exceeds the capacity of their driveway.  Which then they  park all over the neighborhood, upsetting many other residences.   

The  county No Parking Signs in our neighborhood need to be updated,

Example this house parks just under a No Parking sign once they think they can remove the County's snow pole with no one noticing (and it works).  The sign faces the way of traffic so a law abiding citizen should be able to see it (that is the direction the street goes).  But this house is just a few feet prior to this sign and the sign faces the opposite direction as their house  so the occupants do not see it (even though it is along the side of their fence line - it is facing the direction away from their entrance and often park just shy of the sign, just  near under it.  It is an insult to the rest of us - that they get away with parking so blatantly under a no parking sign in the only entrance/exit of our residential street.  

There are no signs in the bottle neck entrance/exit of the street where the most parking congestion occors and the mail route to safety for all residents.  

I have documented snow thru fire seasons, where this house has had nonstop parking hazards and furthers the safety concerns for the vested neighbors in this is the only one way in/one way out to the residences.    

Bear has died in the past due to the proximity of the HWY and their trash (see info above).  

In the recent year, this leaser filled a freezer with food on her back deck and was heard to tell another neighbor that she believed bears could not smell frozen things.  Then to her excitement and delight she acted surprised when a bear did show up at her deck.  

The sheriff was notified but we we told there is  no law re; putting a freezer of food on your deck.  

The Bear League was contacted but I'm not informed on a follow up.  

so really (more trash out))  ?!!!  (more prints?!!!  

just feels like round & round we go with this house ---

I hope I finally found the right County Office to help (as the I had only recently stumbled upon this department, it was in Truckee so they were kind enough to refer me to you, in Kings Beach.    

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