Second Youth

Complete Skin Care for Men & Women
SY Online Products:
delivered straight from manufacturer
SY Services in two locations:
TahoeSkinCare.com & Hawaii.SkinCareTherapy.net
Where the Air is thin and the UV Rays are strong.
Wind, or the Rays of UV. or the constant weather change: sunny skies one hour then a storm face the next.
Whether it be the Play or the Work &/or both we do here our bodies not only take a toll but our skin does too.
Weather and Reflection :
Remember Water, Grass, Snow... have massive reflection qualities.
Our knit beanie hats are great for keeping us warm and our hair does under wraps but they offer little to no sun brim (so Sunblock is imperative even if the sun is not out).
There are three types of UV (Ultra Violet Radiation) (yes radiation) rays that we on earth need to pay attention to with our skincare: UVA, UVB and UVC rays.
I like to think of it as an acronym:
UV A - Is one of the strongest rays of light; it penetrates through your windows, it gives us light on over cast days, .....but because it is so strong, UVA can create much harm. So if you are getting too much UVA , I think of it as you will "A"/age.
UVB is also very strong, it is what I think of when I feel the sun. The warm sensation, the actual heat of that ball of fire and if the skin is exposed to it too long without protection i will "B"/burn. If you have ever felt this before you will agree, it is real and not pleasant.
UVC is so strong that it is a international problem in some southern hemispheres. It has become mandatory for school children to be properly protected by UV rays including UVC).
This layer of UV Radiation used to be naturally shielded by the Climates Ozone. Because there are holes developing in the Climates Ozone there are areas in which UVC is reaching Earth causing much damage. If you are touched by UVC you are thought to be touched with the hands of 'C'/cancer.
So in simple terms UV rays are a real thing.
In the mountains at high elevations, we are in thinner air, closer to the Sun (fireball of radiation) with high levels of reflective materials: snow, water, misc...and the dress style does not always appeal to brimmed sun brimmed protective gear.
We take extreme measure to ensure you have the appropriate levels of high quality SPF"S.
And not all sunscreens & sunblocks are alike
for more info on SPF's: